Nr. |
Datum |
Name |
Thema |
Betreuung |
1 | 29.10.
| Jan Meyer
| Tutte: How to draw a graph?
| Jürgen Werber
2 | 5.11.
| Michael Perlin
| Garg, Tamassia: A new minimum cost flow algorithm with applications to graph drawing
| Jürgen Werber
3 | 12.11.
| Mathias Schnee
| Grohe: Computing crossing number in quadratic time
| Sven Peyer
4 | 19.11.
| Rico Gaudlitz
| Even, Guha, Schieber:
Improved Approximations of Crossings in Graph Drawing and VLSI Layout Areas
| Ulrich Brenner
5 | 3.12.
| Henning W. Lemster
| Qin, Wolff, Xu, Zhu: New algorithms for two-label point labeling | Ulrich Brenner
6 | 10.12.
| Markus Struzyna
| Chan: A near-linear area bound for drawing binary trees | Stephan Held
7 | 17.12.
| Muhammed Ali Kazmi Syed
| Eades, Feng, Nagamochi: Drawing Clustered Graphs on an Orthogonal Grid | Sven Peyer